Pamela Backus
Yoga Teacher
Pamela Bachus
Pamela is a passionate yogi who wants to share her practice with everyone around her. She believes yoga is a practice both on and off the mat, thus providing her students the knowledge to confidently take their practice beyond her class. She is currently studying Fitness & Wellness Management at SAIT, hoping to one day become a Recreational Therapist. Her passion lies in flow and gentle yoga but loves to explore and teach a variety of practices.
Q & A with Pamela
What inspires you?
Peoples happiness and strive to find peace within.
What song moves you?
Any abba song, or Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears
What do you love about your job?
I love seeing how yoga and other forms of fitness can have a positive impact on people’s overall wellbeing.
Describe Soul Connexion in one word